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Your account > Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register an account?

Please follow the registration steps.

I have forgotten my password. How do I retrieve it?

Fill in the reset password form. An activation link will be sent to your email address, you will then be able to set a new password for your account.

I have a customer id, but do not remember my email.

Please contact the customer account support.

Please note that this contact is for customer account support only, not for product nor purchase support.

I forgot everything but my login and my password.

You may temporarily recover your account using your past login and password. If you still can not log in, please contact us.

I used to have several accounts, on Club, Expert, Online, etc. How do I find my way now?

You now have only one account per single email address, which is now your login username. You can directly log in any Mandriva online service with it.

You can manage all your personal information from this service: https://my.mandriva.com/.

Why the email address? What happened to my login?
What is my alias?

An email address is easier for people to remember, and avoids unnecessary account duplicates.

Your former login, if you had any, is now referred to as an alias, and remains unique.

Note that you cannot use your alias anymore in order to authenticate to any service; this includes downloads, medias, applet configuration, etc.

What is the remember me option close to the login box?

When you log in, you may choose Mandriva web site to remember your session only the time your computer is up, or when you come back, days after.

What is a customer id?

It is your personal unique id at Mandriva. You will find it on your invoices, and should fill it in every exchange with us so we can give you a service as personalized as possible.

I found a bug.

Please report through our Bugzilla page.

I have problems using Online/Expert/Club features

Please reset your password. This will reset caches of your old accounts on these services and will most likely fix the issue.

I never get any password reset/email change confirmation by email. Why?

Chances are that you are using a verizon.net or comcast.net email account; we have blacklisting issues with those domains and cannot get in touch with server admins (no answer).

Possible solutions:

  • contact us to change your email address to something else;
  • help us to get in touch with those people.
I received an email with an attachment from info at mandriva.com saying that my account was suspended

This is a fake email, as many exist. Note that:

  1. when you change your account information, it does not get suspended;
  2. when something is not properly checked on our side, you get immediately notices of it, and most of the time, the registration/update process would stop; so, again, nothing would be suspended.

This sort of email is mainly a virus vector, so please ignore it, and do not open the attachment.

There is no answer to my question here. Where should I look for it?

If your question is related to your user account, please contact us here.

However, you may find information and support for Mandriva products and services on: